
Showing posts from 2020

What's The Frequency Kenneth?

This is just a brief post as the articles that the links in this post link to are long reads. Here is an interesting website explaining different frequencies and their corresponding effect. (Frequencies of interest are 432.0 [Schumann] and 528 [Solfeggio]...) (Archive) Additionally, you might want to check out this news article. (Archive) Happy reading. Best regards, Rontabs

Apparel and Other Items Designed by Me

I have set up an online shop where you can purchase merchandise with prints that were designed by me.  As of typing this, there is only one design that is currently featured but you can be sure that more will be added. You may check out the online store by clicking on the link below: Merchandise featuring Pattern 19 Best regards, Rontabs

New Song for 2020: "Command of Love"

This is my first blog post for the year and for the decade, and unfortunately, it has not been a good start for anyone in the world because of this plague that has been spreading called Corona Virus.  A lot of doomsayers definitely has plenty to talk about, but equally, a lot of prayer can be made as well to hopefully quell what seems to be the cause for the looming end. I have been listening to this new song that I have made for days already and I must say that the tune is appropriate for the (low?) spirit of the times.  So now, I am sharing it with you.  Its title is "Commad of Love" and it is the first song to a new saga (or album..) that I will be calling "The Precepts." Click on the link below to listen to it: Song: Command of Love I hope you like it.  Thank you and God bless you. - Rontabs