
Showing posts from April, 2020

Angelology - Abraham

From the Encyclopedia of Angels : Patriarch of the Hebrews who was a frequent recipient of instructions and interventions from God and the ANGEL OF THE LORD.  Abraham features prominently in Genesis and in apocryphal writings . The text of Genesis often reads "Yahweh said:"  Genesis 15:1 reads "it happened . . . that the word of Yahweh was spoken to Abram [his original name] in a vision." By the time they are old, Abram and his wife Sarai  are still childless.  At Sarai's suggestion, Abram impregnates their slave, HAGAR .  The girl's air of superiority angers Sarai, who expels her from the house.  Yahweh then makes a covenant with Abraham, promising him the birth of a son--though he and his wife are both elderly--and also land.  He instructs Abram to circumcise himself and all in his household.  Abram's name from now on will be Abraham and Sarai's will be Sarah. Three angels disguised as men come to visit Abraham and he feeds them beneath t