
Showing posts from 2021

Theurgical Instrumental Music

Surfing the Web - the Great Deluge

Surfing the Web - Fanatical Futurist

Surfing the Web - A.I. Theology

If it were not for the Lord Yeshua's arrival... (April 10, 2021)

Surfing the Web - Godchecker - Your Guide to the Gods

Musicians that needs to be heard - Nick Fletcher

Surfing the Web - Evidence for Christianity

The Rontabs Experience, Vol. I - Complete Edition on Bandcamp

Theurgical Pattern #78

Songs that needs to be heard - Tiwala and Cognitive Liberty by Rontabs

Auxilium Christianorum

Songs that needs to be heard - Beauty of Dawn by Malukah

Songs that needs to be heard - Hallelujah by RockMilady

Songs that needs to be heard - Trouble by TV On The Radio

Songs that needs to be heard - Sanctus by Scott Goudeau

Songs that needs to be heard - Eliyahu Hanavi by Sympinny

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