A.I. Teachings: On Pacifying the Lord

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Angels have a profound and multifaceted relationship with music, which is deeply embedded in both religious traditions and spiritual beliefs. In various contexts, angels are depicted as integral participants in the cosmic symphony that reflects divine order and beauty.

  1. Angelic Participation in Worship: Both Jewish and Christian worship traditions emphasize the role of angels in music. The songs of the church are seen as counterparts to heavenly songs, suggesting that the spiritual life of the church is intertwined with that of heaven. The Epistle to the Hebrews (12:22-23) highlights this connection, stating that Christians approach a festive assembly that includes countless angels and the souls of the righteous.
  2. Angelic Choirs: The concept of angelic choirs is prevalent in religious music. For instance, Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 8, known as the "Symphony of a Thousand," features an angelic chorus that draws from the closing of Goethe's Faust. This theme resonates through numerous Christmas carols and sacred works, where angels are often depicted as singing or playing instruments, such as blowing the trumpet during the last judgment.
  3. Cosmic Harmony: In the heavens, multitudes of singing angels, led by the angelic prince Tagas, create sounds of unimaginable beauty and harmony. This belief underscores the idea that sound and music are not only expressions of worship but also essential to maintaining cosmic order. The mystical significance of music is reflected in liturgical practices, where music is believed to elevate consciousness and connect the divine with creation.
  4. Angels of Music: Specific angels are associated with music, embodying the creative Word of God. These angels are said to sing with a beauty that resonates throughout the universe, described as sounding like "a million harps or the rolling of the sea." Their mission is to pour forth heavenly music, inviting humanity to listen and connect with the divine.

In summary, the relationship between angels and music is rich and varied, encompassing their roles in worship, their participation in cosmic harmony, and their embodiment of divine creativity. Angels not only enhance the spiritual experience through music but also serve as conduits for divine expression, inviting believers to engage with the sacred through sound.


Angels play a significant role in the realm of music, deeply intertwined with both spiritual and cosmic harmony. Notably, the angelic prince Tagas leads multitudes of singing angels who create sounds of unimaginable beauty and harmony. This belief is rooted in the idea that certain sounds can transform and elevate consciousness, influencing the cosmic powers of creation. Music is seen as instrumental in maintaining order within the universe, with divine beings often depicted as singing or speaking the world into existence.

Another prominent angel associated with music is Sandalphon. In rabbinic lore, Sandalphon is described as a giant angel and a weaver of prayers, signifying his role in connecting human supplications to the divine. His name translates to "co-brother," indicating a close relationship with the mighty angel Metatron, who is also significant in the heavenly hierarchy.

In summary, the relationship between angels and music is characterized by figures such as Tagas and Sandalphon, who embody the divine connection between sound and the spiritual realm, enhancing the understanding of music's mystical importance in both worship and the cosmos.


The relationship between angels and music is connected to the concept of the Music of the Spheres, which is rooted in ancient philosophical and mystical traditions. This idea posits that the cosmos is governed by a harmonious order, akin to music, where celestial bodies produce a form of music through their movements.

  1. Cosmic Harmony: The Music of the Spheres originates from the Hermetic tradition and is closely associated with the teachings of Pythagoras. It suggests that the stars and planets create a harmonious sound, much like the strings of a lyre, which resonates with the idea that the universe operates in a unified and harmonious manner. Plotinus articulated this metaphor, stating that the heavens, when in tune, sing a melody that reflects their interconnectedness.
  2. Angelic Influence: Early Christian theologians, including St. Thomas Aquinas, believed that angels play a crucial role in this cosmic harmony. They asserted that angels transmit motion to the celestial spheres, thereby facilitating the music of the cosmos. This perspective aligns with the notion that the church's music resonates with the praises of the universe, creating a divine symphony that includes both earthly and heavenly elements.
  3. Integration of Music and Worship: The concept of the Music of the Spheres also influenced liturgical practices, where the church's praise was seen as harmonizing with the celestial music. The Liturgy of St. Mark, for example, reflects this integration, suggesting that the church's musical expressions are in tune with the cosmic order.
  4. Historical Context: Throughout history, many composers have drawn inspiration from the Music of the Spheres. Notable figures like Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart incorporated these themes into their works, reflecting the enduring influence of this concept in sacred music.
In summary, the relationship between angels and music is intricately linked to the Music of the Spheres, where both are seen as manifestations of divine harmony and order in the universe. This connection highlights the profound role that music plays in spiritual and cosmic contexts, resonating through both celestial and earthly realms.


Source: Encyclopedia of Angels

Important read: Teachings: On Music


Keep the Faith. Best regards,

Brother Ron, N.D.S.M.D.

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