Tree of Life
Good day.
I have to share this.
This is by Rosemary Ellen Guiley (2004).
***See Angel Encyclopedia p.357 (Tree of Life)
Kether, the Crown / Thamiel, the Division
God-Name: Eheieh / Demon-Name(s): Satan/Moloch
Existence of Existences, Ancient of Ancients
Archangel: Metatron
Order of Angels: Chaioth ha Qadesh, ‘Holy living creatures’
Mundane Chakra: Rashith ha Gilgalim, ‘First swirlings’
Chokmah, Wisdom / Chaigidel, Confusion
God-Name: Jehovah / Demon-Name: Beelzebub
Endless Emanation
Archangel: Ratziel
Order of Angels: Auphanium, ‘Wheels’
Mundane Chakra: Mazloth, ‘the Zodiac’
Binah, Understanding / Sathariel, Concealment
God-Name: Jehovah Elohim / Demon-Name: Lucifuge
Primordial Formation
Archangel: Tzaphkiel
Order of Angels: Aralim, ‘Thrones’
Mundane Chakra: Shabbathai, ‘Saturn’
Chesed, Mercy / Gamchicoth, Devourers
God-Name: El / Demon-Name: Astaroth (Ishtar)
Concretion of the Abstract
Archangel: Tzadkiel
Order of Angels: Chasmalim, ‘Brilliant Ones’
Mundane Chakra: Tzedek, ‘Jupiter’
Geburah, Strength / Golachab, Ruination
God-Name: Elohim Gebor / Demon-Name: Asmodeus
Archangel: Khamael
Order of Angels: Seraphim, ‘Fiery Serpents’
Mundane Chakra: Madim, ‘Mars’
Tiphareth, Beauty / Thagirion, Grief
God-Name: Tetragrammaton Aloah va Daath / Demon-Name: Belphegor
Harmony of Things (HoT)
Archangel: Raphael
Order of Angels: Malachim, ‘Kings’
Mundane Chakra: Shemesh, ‘Sun’
Netzach, Victory / Harab Sarapel, Rejection
God-Name: Jehovah Tzabaoth / Demon-Name: Baal
Prismatization of Emanations
Archangel: Haniel
Order of Angels: Elohim, ‘Gods’
Mundane Chakra: Nogah, ‘Venus’
Hod, Glory / Samael, Desolation
God-Name: Elohim Tzabaoth / Demon-Name: Adramelech
Splendor of Forms
Archangel: Mikael
Order of Angels: Beni Elohim, ‘Sons of God’
Mundane Chakra: Kokab, ‘Mercury’
Yesod, Foundation / Gamaliel, Disformation
God-Name: Shaddai el Chai / Demon-Name: Lilith
Machinery of the Universe
Archangel: Jibril
Order of Angels: Kerubim, ‘The Strong’
Mundane Chakra: Levanah, ‘Moon’
Malkuth, Coherence / Nehemoth, Disturbance
God-Name: Adonai Malekh / Demon-Name: Naamah
Material Plane
Archangel: Sandalphon
Order of Angels: Ashim, ‘Souls of Fire’ (Djinn?)
Mundane Chakra: Cholem ha Yesodoth, ‘Sphere of the Elements
Important read:
Keep the Faith. Best regards,
Bro. Rontabs, N.D.S.M.D.